Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Christ of Christmas

Are you aware that even Christians today can miss the point of the Christmas story if they are not careful? There is a warning of the danger that we can become so charmed with the story of the baby that we have become so sentimental about and it does not demand any vital change in our way of thinking and living.

Now here’s the question: Is Christmas only a story about a baby born in a manger? Or is there more to Christmas than just a newborn child? Christmas is an undying story about a baby born in a manger that later grew up and redeemed the world from its sins and calls us into partnership with His great and mighty purposes.

When the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, he said, “And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 (KJV). We are able to grasp the full meaning of Christ’s coming only when we see His birth in the light of His crucifixion and resurrection.

If Christ is the essence of Christmas, how does it affect our lives today? Did Christ’s birth made any difference at all? Many people come to a point of discouragement by saying “Christ’s coming to earth has made a little difference in one’s life because we still have so many problems.” As the world celebrate Christmas today, many shops and places remove ‘Christ’ in their Christmas by using the words “Merry X’mas” and “Happy Holidays”. “X” means the unknown factor. Thus, eliminating Christ as the center of their Christmas and their hearts.

But when you sit down and think about the difference Jesus’ life has made, you can reflect on these four truths:

1. Jesus did not remain a baby. He grew up to be strong in spirit (Luke 1:80) and had an effective ministry of teaching and healing (Matt. 9:35).
2. Jesus when He was crucified did not remain in the grave. He arose to be our living Savior (Matt. 28:1-7; Rev. 1:18).
3. Our risen Savior did not remain on earth. He ascended to heaven to prepare a place for us and to send the Holy Spirit to indwell us (John 14:2, 25-26; Acts 1:9).
4. Our ascended Lord will not remain in heaven. He will come back to take us home to be with Him (John 14:3).

In fact, the birth of Jesus Christ has made a difference, but it does not mean we will have a trouble-free life. We will have tribulation in this world but because Christ Himself have overcome the world is one good reason enough for us to be of good cheer (John 16:33). Because Christ’s presence and power is within us, we can triumph over trials. That’s grounds for good cheer! Instead of being overwhelmed by trials, we can face them confidently because Christ does make a difference.

With your eyes wide open this Christmas; respond to God with love and commitment for the gift of His Son. Focus your thoughts, actions and motivations toward honoring the Baby who grew up and died for all our sins. Christ the Savior is born!

Merry Christmas to one and all!

Bible passage to read: Matthew 1:18-25


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